• The Company

About Us

To carry on the business of wholesale and retail dealers, distributors, suppliers, storers, brokers, commission agents, importers and exporters of petrol, diesel, liquified petroleum gas and petroleum products.

To carry on business as operators of oil tankers via ocean, sea and river routes and to provide the services of marine transportation for crude oil, petrol, diesel, LPG and all other petroleum products and to transport and distribute petrol, diesel and LPG on land with prime movers and articulated tanker trucks.

To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire for purpose of investment in Malaysia or elsewhere any real or personal property or any rights or interests therein, which the Company may think necessary or convenient and in particular any lands, plantations, estates, houses, buildings, flats, factories, warehouses, plant, machinery, patents, concessions, trade marks, trade names, copyrights, licences, stock, material or property of any description and to work, use, maintain and improve, let, surrender, mortgage, charge, vary or dispose of the same or any other property of the Company, including in respect of any patent or patent rights belonging to the Company, the grant of licences or authorities to any person, corporation or company to work the same.